Head Teacher’s Blog 2/11/2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

  • Our commitment to developing ‘STEM’ subjects  (science, technology, engineering and maths) has been recognised by ‘STEM Learning’.  We shall display our Certificate in the main entrance hall and continue to build on this.
  • P1 pupils have their height, weight and eyes checked by the health visitor on Monday 27 November. Thank you for returning the P1 health questionnaires, I believe they are almost all in.
  • The Pupil Council selected Macmillan Cancer for October’s charity fund raiser. They have organised a competition ‘guess the number of sweets in a jar’ (one for each stage). £1 buys a ‘guess’. The closest number wins the jar. However, if the children would prefer a healthier prise, a mystery prise for each stage is available.
  • Dyslexia Awareness Week is on 6-11 November, further information available at https://www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk/dyslexia-awareness-week. Edinburgh City Libraries have a programme to support dyslexia, information from https://talesofonecity.wordpress.com/dyslexia-and-us-edinburghs-programme-for-dyslexia-awareness-week/.
  • A former pupil who attended Bruntsfield in 1949 came to visit on Tuesday. He, and his carer, commented on how happy, polite and well behaved our children are as they moved round the school. They both had a wonderful time and I am told ‘Mitch’ wants to come back! I thought that was just lovely!

Kindest regards,

Carol Kyle

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