Head Teacher’s Blog 08/09/2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 3 have had a wonderful time singing with professional singers. Well done P3.

This week we launched Unit 4 of our Building Resilience programme ‘Take a Moment’ at our Assemblies.  We shared some of the different emotions we all feel each day and how we need some helpful ways to cope. There are some suggestions in our Parent and Carer leaflet (coming home on Friday)  to ‘Talk it Over’ with your child.

We have a new  telephone system, with additional lines allowing more staff to make or receive a call at the same time (we only had two lines before).

Please remember, always select the lunches you wish your child to have on the Parent Pay system. Paying money in, does not place the order for lunches. I have looked, but there is no way round this system. Ordering ahead allows the kitchen staff to purchase fresh local ingredients for the following week. It also prevents the accumulation of unpaid lunches .

We are recruiting for a third Depute for two reasons. 1:Mrs Nicol has had her baby boy and has indicated she would like to return part time. 2:Our pupil numbers have grown significantly over the years from 420 pupils in 2007 to 626 today. The Management Team are:

Headteacher:              Ms Carol Kyle

Depute:                       Mrs Natalie Borrowman

Depute:                       Mrs Lisa Nicol- Ms Dobie is Acting Depute during Mrs Nicol’s Absence (Ms Dobie works part time)

Depute:                       Advertised

Principal Teacher:       Ms Jenny Dobie – Miss Rosie Carney and Mrs Emma McLachlan are Acting Principal Teachers (and sharing this position whilst Ms Dobie is Acting Depute).

 If your child has lost property, please put a note in their homework diary and the teacher will make sure s/he goes to the Dining Hall to look for it.

 Drivers, please take care around the school, we have a lot of children who walk and cycle. Do not double park or reverse into our school gate area to turn, children don’t always know what you are doing and I really do not want any accidents.

 You may be aware, the number of hours for nursery care is increasing to 1140 per child by 2020. If you would like to take part in the City of Edinburgh Council ‘Early Learning and Childcare Parent and Carer Survey-increase in hours’ please do so by 22nd of September at: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/elcc17  If you would like to complete the Scottish Government’s survey the address is: www.bit.ly/elc-survey

The Parent Council AGM on Tuesday 26 September at 7pm is in our Dining Room. Everyone is welcome.

Kind regards,

Carol Kyle, Natalie Borrowman and Jenny Dobie

Management Team



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